Writing Projects

The Grand Adventures of Henry Rayne and the Airship Pirates

 I’ve worked on this project for MANY years as a theatrical script but as of February 2020 I decided to take the plunge and turn this whopping three act play stuffed full of sword fights, bar fights, political intrigue, airship battles, storms, derelict castles–more swordfights, magic and did I mention swordfighting into a novel. Plugging away with 200 words a day has been a fun little bit of creative work during this hectic crazy times.

Not really sure what the plan is after this is a novel but in the mean time I am enjoying the ride!
henry rayne collage

la petite poisson

Other projects I tinker with from time to time:


acheloncity (2)


lainey e. kennedy (2)

remarkable journey




7 thoughts on “Writing Projects

  1. In what way is it a detriment? When you mean finishing a project, you mean the editing and everything, right? So, is it difficult after a project’s done to do the publishing and smooching part?


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